Male Masturbation: The Secret Affair
We generally keep what we do behind closed doors a secret. Yet our most darkest fantasies, and sexual desires are not always known to our partners. Why do we have these thoughts, why do we behave as we do behind closed doors? This issue and in the months ahead, we will investigate strange and unusual sexual behavior of men and women. You might be surprised to find out, you are not as alien as you thought.
Tom and Jody are a young married couple. They seem to live an average existence, and both are still very happy with their sexual relationship. Even still, Tom and Jody have some secrets that neither share with one another dealing with their own sexual behaviors, and fantasies.
Tom wakes up every morning at
"Why?" is the question most women would ask if they knew Tom's secret. Some may know the answer, while others might have their own conclusions. Younger women are not so informed or experienced as to be actually aware just how common masturbation is, especially in males. Often they will consider the topic or anyone who does as taboo, perverted or sick.
The general conception and most popular belief is in fact, that males are just down right horny creatures who lack any strength and have the uncontrollable urge to "jack-off". Religion too is not without their doctrines and opinions on the topic. From Catholics to more liberal church organizations, the mere thought of masturbation can be a sin, or it can be referred to as a regular function of human sexuality that is without condemnation.
As for Tom, his young wife has no idea that he masturbates frequently "behind her back" so to speak. If she did know, she would more than likely ask herself why he did such a thing when she is so readily available to fulfill his needs. She might begin to wonder if she has become unattractive or less desirable. She also might start to question her own abilities to satisfy her lover. After all to her, his solo performance is quite strange, puzzling, and she is demanding answers.
The facts are Tom is horny, but why is he? Why are men so out of control that they cannot resist the temptation of masturbation? Mother nature, and the functions of the human body are a wonder in themselves. There is always a reason for our behavior and the sometimes involuntary functions of our bodies. It is not as simple as Tom being horny that has driven him to this ritual act of self gratification.
100% of males (after reaching puberty) who have not been castrated, whose testicles and penis still work properly, masturbate. Let no one tell you otherwise. Recent studies have uncovered the reasons as to why men are helpless to negate the over whelming desire to climax. These studies have also determined different facts and conditions associated with sperm counts related to the reproductive process. (Which is a whole other article)
The purpose of the penis (besides urinary function) without a doubt is reproduction. Even though we are human, mother nature made sure that man himself could not mess up what she had intended. There were safeguards to ensure a plentiful, strong, and healthy gene pool. During ejaculation 40 million or more sperm are released in an average of 1.5 to 2.5 ml.(1 to 2 teaspoons) of semen. Of these squirming gene carrying creatures, about 40-50% push onward toward the female's egg. This army of sperm have to be strong and very aggressive in order to carry out their mission. Young sperm that are fresh tend to be stronger and more aggressive, which increases the odds of fertilization. Can it be then, that mother nature has instilled the obsessive desire for males to masturbate in order to keep a younger and stronger supply of sperm? Fresh recruits that are ready for the "Battle Of The Egg" at any given chance or moment?
Of course masturbation has the additional benefits of sensational pleasure and is a good method of tension and stress release. Most of male fantasies can only be played out through self gratification. Which when taken into account, is probably best given his chances of acquiring a sexual transmitted disease or infidelity.
Masturbation is a healthy and natural occurrence in the male's sexual autonomy. Women should have no concerns when they discover his secret affair and independence with his own penis, given their relationship is a healthy one from the start.