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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Cybersex - Cheating?

Cybersex - Cheating?

Many people have asked themselves this very question, from those who have had cybersex experiences as well as their partners who have not. There are more and more people getting connected to the Internet all the time. The chances of experiencing this phenomenon ourselves or knowing someone who has become higher every day.

Cybersex can have many different levels to it, ranging from those who get together to talk about sexually charged topics to those who masturbate themselves while typing online, telling the other person what you are doing or what you’d like to be doing to them.

There are a multitude of online chat rooms available for you to choose from and they can cover any and all subjects you could possibly think about. There are a lot of people who simply start off having conversations with a group of like-minded people that they become quite comfortable with. In time you may find that you really click with a particular person and begin to have more intimate conversations.

Conversations are relatively harmless. You should however watch that you do not give out a lot of clues as to where you live or other pertinent information that would enable someone who was inclined to actually find you in real life. This can happen, there are definitely people out there who stalk others via the Internet.

One of the things you should consider is why you are having intimate conversations with a relative stranger. Are you bored? Is something missing from your relationship? Are you just testing the waters to see if others will still be attracted to you? Are you exploring fantasies that your partner has no interest in? You really need to be honest with yourself and think carefully about your answers.

Cybersex can be a very healthy outlet for people who are in a relationship in which sex drives or tastes are not entirely compatible. If this is the case and your partner is aware of these activities there is no harm in indulging them at all. Most couples are bound to find things that one or the other of them is simply not interested in. Cybersex offers a way to satisfy some of these urges without causing any problems.

However, if you are being secretive and hiding correspondence from others from your partner or you are unwilling to discuss it with your partner then perhaps there are some serious issues within your relationship that need to be brought out in the open and discussed.

It can be very easy to be swept up in an erotic encounter with a stranger and forget about the reality of the situation. It is easy to portray something you are not on the Internet because you can remain relatively anonymous. One has to strive to keep the fantasy and the reality separate from one another. Mixing the two can lead to some very disastrous results. Many people become caught up in the fantasy and then decide that they want to meet in person.

If the day comes that you want to meet your cybersex partner in person you’d best be aware of all the complications that will come with it. Are you ready to lose your partner for something that may not be as good in real life as it sounds online? When people are thinking of meeting that hot cybersex partner then you are definitely crossing the boundary into the realm of cheating.

There will however be some couples who are perfectly fine with this type of scenario. It is definitely something that you need to discuss with your partner openly and honestly before you embark down a path that can forever change your life.

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